Selling, as we're leaving Ireland soon. Great condition, low mileage. Very economic car.
- 130KM
- only 80k km made
- 6 gears (manual)
- consumption below 6l/100km (diesel)
- AC
- radio and hands free controlls on the steering wheel
- NCT 08.2021
- tax 200€
we're in Dublin 5.
also selling Volvo V50 1.8 (2008) - please see another ad.
Source:See Orginal Advert on the Marketplace
Opel Astra 1.7CDTi SportTourer 2013
Ireland, Dublin, Dublin
Published 5 years ago
ID #201129
5400.00 €
4596.37 GBP
Opel Astra 1.7CDTi SportTourer 2013
Ireland, Dublin, Dublin,
Published5 years ago