Mini cooper supercharged 200bhp swap

Ireland, Offaly, Tullamore
Published 5 years ago
ID #102205
3500.00 €
2979.13 GBP
Mini cooper supercharged 200bhp swap
Ireland, Offaly, Tullamore,
Published5 years ago


Unbelievably clean car. Nct passed in aril tax until emd the month Was a jap import so excellent condition and very low mileage only 115000 kilometres. I've over 5000 spent in this car. Lots of work done in last 2 month's with pics to prove. Had the big supercharger service done which is a nightmare of a job and most lads don't bother with so it's done on this and won't need another for 100k. Reduced 17% pulley for bags more power. Ram air cold air induction kit. One ball exhaust mod. Loads of replacement parts done to replace known trouble parts in minis. Brand new superlite alloys and tyres. Cars a little weapon to move sounds amazing tea head turner. Very quick car suprises everyone. Will swap for a bigger car as second child on the way try me.
Source:See Orginal Advert on our JustMotorAds Car Group


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    Registered on 16. Aug 2018
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    3500.00 €
    2979.13 GBP

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    Registered on August 16, 2018

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    Ireland, Offaly, Tullamore
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