Bmw e90 320d full car for breaking,
Full front bumper few scuffs with fogs and grills etc €40
Bonnet €40
Back bumper clean €30
Back lights spotless €40
Front lights spotless €50
Front wings spotless €30 each
All 4 doors perfect €50 each
Mirrors €30 for pair
Full black leather interior clean bar 1 small rip in drivers seat €150
Spoiler €30
Everything else there going cheap car will be scrapped in next two weeks.
Source:See Advert on our Facebook Group
Bmw e90 breaking
Ireland, Cork, Clonakilty
Published 5 years ago
ID #15466
500.00 €
425.59 GBP
Bmw e90 breaking
Ireland, Cork, Clonakilty,
Published5 years ago